Hydrocortisone Market Analysis, Industry Size, Growth Opportunities and Forecast


Hydrocortisone Market 

  Cortisol is a natural steroid hormone that is frequently associated with stress. Cortisol, nature's built-in alarm system, is produced in the adrenal gland and fuels the body's fight or flight instincts in the face of unpredictable or threatening events. Cortisone, a cortisol active compound, aids in pain relief and inflammation relief in cases of joint injury and arthritis. Cushing's syndrome, on the other hand, is associated with a variety of health problems such as high blood pressure, muscle weakness, rapid weight gain, difficulty sleeping, diabetes, and so on, as well as psychiatric conditions such as depression and anxiety. Furthermore, very low cortisol levels cause Addison's disease, though the onset is gradual, and symptoms include loss of appetite and weight, fatigue, mood changes, and being tired all the time. Cortisol is most beneficial to the body when it is present at a balanced level.

  The global COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has posed significant challenges for clinicians. The lack of proven pharmacological therapies for COVID-19 treatment has resulted in increased mortality rates. Corticosteroids were widely used during the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-CoV and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV outbreaks. This technique has resulted in the use of corticosteroids in combination with other therapeutic agents for COVID-19 patients. However, due to a lack of reliable clinical evidence, the WHO (World Health Organization) advises against the use of corticosteroids. As a result, companies in the hydrocortisone market are unable to capitalize on the needs of COVID-19 patients, despite the fact that there is unprecedented demand for drugs to combat the infection.

  A number of children are at risk of adrenal insufficiency because they are unable to mount an endogenous cortisol response to stress. Such children are typically treated at home by requesting doctor advice over the phone. As a result, companies in the hydrocortisone market should look for opportunities in child care to diversify their revenue streams. As a result, adrenocortical insufficiency is one of the most important medical indications for hydrocortisone drugs and the market.

   AstraZeneca plc, GlaxoSmithKline plc, Merck & Co. Inc., Pfizer Inc., Sandoz AG (Novartis AG), Sanofi S.A, Actimis Pharmaceuticals, and others are key players in the hydrocortisone market.



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