Newborn Screening Market Analysis by Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis, Growth and Forecast


Newborn Screening Market

  Newborn screening is one of the most significant advances in child health over the last century, and the technologies used in newborn screening have advanced significantly. The ability to detect multiple compounds diagnostic of different inborn errors of metabolism in neo-natal dried blood specimens has enabled the rapid pace of development in the field of newborn screening. Following the success of the newborn screening market in phenylketonuria, experts in this field are optimistic that additional health benefits will emerge in the future.

  Furthermore, the commercialization of hybrid instruments is one of the most exciting and powerful advancements in this field. To gain a foothold in the market, manufacturers are focusing on high sensitivity, resolution, throughput, and cost-effectiveness. As a result, many companies have been influenced by emerging technologies and have implemented numerous new clinical testing platforms.

  Since the last five years, most screening programs have used tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) as their primary tool for analyzing blood spots. TMS has transformed the newborn screening market. It has decreased false-positive results and simplified the screening process. Over forty metabolic conditions can be screened for using this test. Prior to the use of MS/MS for newborn screening, each condition required a separate bacterial assay.

   Except for endocrine disorders (such as congenital hypothyroidism and congenital adrenal hyperplasia), hemoglobin disorders (such as sickle cell disease, S-beta thalassemia, and sickle-C disease), and a few others (such as biotinidase, cystic fibrosis, transferase-deficient galactosemia, and hearing disorders), no other conditions require separate testing. The advancement of technology has also aided in the expansion of the newborn screening market to include the detection of additional disorders.

  Thus, advances in technology and the expansion of the uniform newborn screening panel of diseases have resulted in earlier life-saving treatment and intervention for at least 12,000 additional newborns with selected genetic, hearing, and endocrine disorders in the United States each year.





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